Bladder Cancer Clinical Trials 2022

Because bladder cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, and the most deadly.

It is the most common type of cancer in women, and the most deadly.

One out of every nine women will be diagnosed with bladder cancer during their lifetime.

You may not know this, but bladder cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. Bladder cancer is much more likely to affect men than it is women. However, when a woman does get diagnosed with bladder cancer, she has a higher risk of dying from the disease than a man with bladder cancer. Compared to men, women are also more likely to have a recurrence of bladder cancer after treatment. Up to one out of every nine women will be diagnosed with bladder cancer at some point during her lifetime.

If you had bladder cancer, what treatment would you pursue?

If you have been diagnosed with bladder cancer, your doctor will work with you to decide which treatment is best for you. Your decision may be influenced by your age and other health conditions, as well as the type of bladder cancer and its stage. If you are 65 years old or older and have a non-muscle invasive tumor (stage 0, stage 1 or stage 2), your best option may be to choose a watchful waiting option called active surveillance. For muscle invasive tumors (stage 3 or stage 4), surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and clinical trials are all options. Whatever treatment option is decided upon, it is important to remember that the goal of any treatment is not only cure but also quality of life. As you consider different options for your bladder cancer treatment, talk to those close to you about what they think might be the best plan. In addition, talk with your health care team about what your goals are for treatment and how it would improve your quality of life


  • Blood in urine, or hematuria, is the most common symptom of bladder cancer.
  • Painful urination with a burning sensation can also indicate bladder cancer.
  • Those with bladder cancer usually experience frequent urination and an urgent need to urinate.
  • The tumor may cause pain in the lower back or pelvic area.
  • Urine may be abnormally colored (dark orange) or have an abnormal odor.
  • A person with bladder cancer may feel tired and lose weight for no reason, as well as experience loss of appetite.


Bladder cancer is a nasty disease that’s difficult to treat, but as you’ll learn in this section, there are some steps you can take to reduce your chances of getting this nasty disease.

First, it helps if you quit smoking, because cigarettes cause bladder cancer. Second, avoid exposure to certain chemicals that can cause bladder cancer. Third, if there are related genes or family history of bladder cancer, it’s best to get tested early so that the disease can be detected while it’s still curable. Fourth, depending on your age and gender makeup and race, your chances of developing bladder cancer can vary greatly (but not necessarily). If you have a higher chance of being diagnosed with the disease now than in the past few decades because of changes in demographics like age and gender averages; ask your doctor about whether it’s worth getting screened for bladder cancer regularly. Fifth and lastly: If you’re at risk for developing bladder cancer due to any abnormalities in your urinary tract (such as paruresis or even straightforward benign cysts), it may be best to get treated earlier by having radiation therapy performed on the affected areas.

Bladder Cancer Clinical Trials

You may be eligible to participate in a bladder cancer clinical trial, which is a study that tests new treatments. In some cases, clinical trials can help you access bladder cancer treatment before it’s available to the public. Talk with your doctor about whether this might be an option for you.

Participating in a bladder cancer clinical trial can help others, since it advances knowledge and could lead to better ways of treating or preventing the disease. Clinical trials also give patients more options and hope for improving their quality of life as well as possibly curing their disease.

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